How to run Klipper on Tenlog TLD3 Pro D3 V2 With Current 32 Bit Motherboard
This is a work in progress to control the Tenlog TL-D3 Pro、D3 V2 printer with Klipper. Notes:
Tenlog 32bit Motherboard POC (WIP)
There is a '32bit_board' folder with the 32bit motherboard support for Klipper. Is a Work In Progress. But if you want to try, put the file klipper.bin behind a 'user' folder in a micro SD card, and name the klipper.bin file to firmware.bin, then power on the board, and it will be flashed into the MCU. Use the configs as in 32bit_board/cfg files. Do this at your own risk. Remember, is a WIP. If you want to compile the firmware on your own, you need to wait to Klipper to support HC32F460-PETB (Klipper currently supports the 64pin package mcu, Tenlog's board, comes with a 100pin package mcu, PETB variant), or, you can modify the gpio.c and hard_pwm.c files as shown in gpio.c.png and hard_pwm.c.png and compile using the menuconfig as shown in the file menuconfig.png
Sources and References
How to run Klipper on Tenlog TLD3 Pro D3 V2 With Current 32 Bit Motherboard
STEP 1 Install the Klipper to a Pi,Get a 32GB TF card and pre-install the klipper
STEP 2 Use another TF card ,Put the file klipper.bin behind a 'user' folder in a micro SD card, and name the klipper.bin file to firmware.bin, then power on the board, and it will be flashed into the MCU.I choose klipper115200.bin .Remember when burning, be sure to burn successfully, I am using the motherboard directly connected to the computer, after burning USB successful recognition.
STEP 3 Use the USB-type C connect 32 bit motherboard and Pi,Pi run ls /dev/serial/by-path/ to get the MCU ID and copy the resulting ID to printer.cfg, mine gets platform-1c1a400.usb-usb-0:1:1.0-port0
as printer.cfg MCU serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USb_serial-if00-port0,change it to
NOTES:The 2209 driver cannot be changed and setting,if you can calibrate the driver with the preset.
If have any questions,contact
I start the klipper kit pre-sale